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Сотовый: +7 (964) 861-59-11
Приемная: (8362) 42-35-65
Горячая линия: (8362) 42-42-16
Сотовый: +7 (964) 861-59-11
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Приемная: (8362) 42-35-65
E-mail: priem@marike.ru
Часы работы: 8:00 - 17:00
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Seven ESR1 mutations were found in the tissue samples and all were detected by the cfDNA analysis <a href=http://priligy.homes>buy priligy usa</a> 2e, 1 of total MDA MB 231 cells and 3 of total MCF 7 cells formed mammospheres containing 900 cells and 2800 cells respectively after 12 days of cultivation in non adherent dishes


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